Temple Funds
Donate to Temple Funds
Life Cycle Events
To keep your Temple family informed of life cycle events and milestones in your family, contact Alia Covel or Rabbi Vaisberg. To acknowledge life cycle events with a tribute, contact the temple office at 973-994-2290 or contribute online.
Helping our Temple
Annual Giving - Partners in Leadership
Supports the annual budget and bridges the gap between revenue and expenses
One Family Fund
Sharing our joys and our sorrows in a sense of community –all done with a sense of family
Capital Improvements Fund
Supports the long-term capital needs of our building and infrastructure
The Peter and Ellen Klein Torah Care Endowment Fund
Provides care, maintenance, and repair of the Temple’s torahs, mantles, and ornaments.
Ellen & Peter Klein Garden Flowers Fund
Provides perennial and annual flowering plants for Temple grounds.
Tributes - Contact the office for information and ordering
Yahrzeit Fund
Perpetuates the memory of loved ones in a way that will enhance Jewish life today
Silverman-Blumberg Tribute Wall
Plaques are in honor of or in memory of a loved one
Weisman Wall
Plaques are in memory of a loved one
Tree of Life
In honor of a special occasion
Prayer Book Fund
Inscribes a bookplate, inserted in a siddur, in honor of a special occasion or in memory of a loved one
Caring for Members
Orlovsky/Reichel Senior Services Fund
Supports programs and services for older members of the congregation, including parents and grandparents of members. Also provides transportation year-round and on the high holy days.
Caring Connections
Seeks to fulfill the Mitzvah of Bikkur Holim, visiting Temple members who are ill or homebound. Provides get-well cards, shiva baskets, gifts for babies, and food delivered to recently discharged hospital patients.
Program Enrichment
Prime Time
Offsets the expenses of the Prime Time Group
Rabbi Barry Friedman Creative Service Fund
Enables the Temple membership and the community to enjoy new aspects of an ancient liturgy
Dr. Joachim Prinz Lecture Fund
Provides annual lectures and scholars
Program Enrichment Fund
Supports special Temple programs
Robert L. Rocker Memorial Fund
Supports special cultural and educational events
I. Samuel Sodowick Music Fund
Funds the chamber music on Kol Nidre and other Temple musical programs.
Sisterhood Tribute Fund
Supports Sisterhood-sponsored Temple programs with tribute cards
Sisterhood Etz Hayim Chumashim Fund
Inscribes a bookplate, inserted in the new Etz Hayim, in honor of a special occasion or in memory of a loved one
Sisterhood L’Dor V’Dor Education Fund
Provides unique educational opportunities and scholarships, as well as dynamic programming and innovative speakers
Men’s Club
Men’s Club Donations
Supports gifts to Bar and Bat Mitzvah, to College Students, Temple Programs, and sponsorship of the Yom HaShoah candle project
Herman Greenberg Publishing Fund
Funds the publishing of materials beneficial to the Congregation’s needs. Honors the memory of a Men’s Club Past President
Helping our Youth
The Rabbi Clifford M. Kulwin Education Fund
Established to ensure Jewish youth education is affordable to all Temple members
The Early School
Dr. Bruce H. Greene Memorial Fund
Supports The Early School
Frederick W. Kamis Early School Scholarship Fund
Helps defray the cost of tuition for families in need
Sheila Grossman JStart Fund
Enhances programming and educational needs
Youth Education
Florence L. Berkowitz Memorial Fund
Purchases educational materials and provides instructional help for our Jewish Learning Program students with special needs
Jane Sodowick Scholarship Fund
Presents annual scholarship to students who demonstrate strong commitment to Jewish causes and/or Social Action activities.
Benefits members in need of financial assistance with the Jewish Learning Program (K-12)
[formerly the Religious School Scholarship Fund]
Kogan Family Birthday Fund
Provides birthday gifts for Jewish Learning Program children
P.T.A. Library Fund
Purchases books for Jewish Learning Program students
Evi & Albert Meinhardt Fund For Learning
Provides funds for our Temple youth, including camping experiences and trips, to enhance their Jewish education
High School
Joseph & Mollie Trenk & Abraham G. Lew Fund
Awards scholarships to two high school students who, by their involvement in the life of the community, show a sense of communal responsibility
College Students
Ruth & Herman Golden College Outreach Fund
Provides greetings and gifts to Temple members’ college students for Rosh Hashanah, Hanukkah, Purim and Pesach
Pauline Schnack Reinfeld and Samuel Reinfeld Memorial Fund
Presents an award to a Temple member’s university student enrolled in a program of Judaic studies
Orin Wilf Israel Scholarship Fund
Provides scholarships to send high school and college students to Israel
Helping our community
Keren Olam
Provides funds to help support world Jewry through the training of rabbis and teachers, the establishment of new congregations and schools,
and the development of key resources for Jewish communities in need throughout the world
Wed, March 12 2025
12 Adar 5785
Congregational Learning Courses at a Glance:
Click on the Adult Learning course title for more information:
Afternoons with…casual conversations with special guests
Parsha HaShavua (Shabbat Torah Portion of the Week)
TBA Mindfulness Sessions, with Rabbi Vaisberg
The Hebrew Bible Line by Line, with Rabbis Vaisberg and Edwards
Rosh Chodesh 5752 (New Hebrew Month study group)
Views and Schmooze with Rabbi Vaisberg, first Wednesday of the month
Connecting to Online Services and Classes
The following are instructions on how to access Zoom; once you install Zoom the first time, you will not have to do it again. Later logins will only require you to join the meeting.
This is the simplest video tutorial on how to “join a meeting” https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362193-How-Do-I-Join-A-Meeting-
Platforms to use Zoom:
- You can use Zoom on your PC or Apple computer, tablet, iPhone, or Android phone.
- You can use it in your desktop browser or download the app to your computer or phone.
- You can listen in by landline phone as well.
Video and Microphone: If you have a camera on your computer, you can participate by video (or turn it off). If you want to speak you must have a microphone or call in on the phone.
Directions: If you want to use desktop on Windows (PC) or Mac. You can download the app here for your computer.
On your phone: On your iPhone or Android – download the app from the app store/google play – search for Zoom Cloud Meeting and download the app.
Please make sure you are in a relatively quiet place. If you talk to someone else when you are unmuted, we can hear you.
We recommend you log on 5 or 10 minutes prior to the scheduled service or class to make sure you don’t run into technical issues.
Instruction Sheet for Zoom
Congregational Learning Courses at a Glance:
Click on the Adult Learning course title for more information:
Afternoons with…casual conversations with special guests
Parsha HaShavua (Shabbat Torah Portion of the Week)
TBA Mindfulness Sessions, with Rabbi Vaisberg
The Hebrew Bible Line by Line, with Rabbis Vaisberg and Edwards
Rosh Chodesh 5752 (New Hebrew Month study group)
Views and Schmooze with Rabbi Vaisberg, first Wednesday of the month
Connecting to Online Services and Classes
The following are instructions on how to access Zoom; once you install Zoom the first time, you will not have to do it again. Later logins will only require you to join the meeting.
This is the simplest video tutorial on how to “join a meeting” https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362193-How-Do-I-Join-A-Meeting-
Platforms to use Zoom:
- You can use Zoom on your PC or Apple computer, tablet, iPhone, or Android phone.
- You can use it in your desktop browser or download the app to your computer or phone.
- You can listen in by landline phone as well.
Video and Microphone: If you have a camera on your computer, you can participate by video (or turn it off). If you want to speak you must have a microphone or call in on the phone.
Directions: If you want to use desktop on Windows (PC) or Mac. You can download the app here for your computer.
On your phone: On your iPhone or Android – download the app from the app store/google play – search for Zoom Cloud Meeting and download the app.
Please make sure you are in a relatively quiet place. If you talk to someone else when you are unmuted, we can hear you.
We recommend you log on 5 or 10 minutes prior to the scheduled service or class to make sure you don’t run into technical issues.
Instruction Sheet for Zoom
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