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Get Involved - TBA Committees 2024-25

Constituent Organizations

Men’s Club is a diverse organization that promotes camaraderie, friendship, chivalry, and service to the community as well as a connection to B’nai Abraham and the Jewish community. Men's Club invites all adult male Temple B’nai Abraham members to join. 
Co-presidents: Andrew Halper and Peter Rosenbaum

Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) is committed to enhancing the Jewish Learning Program experience for the children at our synagogue. It is our goal to provide a positive and enriching Jewish traditional and cultural atmosphere for all children attending school and services at the Temple.
President: Alyssa Kranz

Sisterhood—The Women’s Connection offers friendship, fun, learning, growth, and involvement to members of B’nai Abraham while also serving the Temple and Jewish community at large. The Sisterhood Judaica Shop is a convenient place to purchase gifts from a high-quality selection of items for every life cycle event and Jewish holidays.
Co-presidents: Marilyn Eber and Beth Skolnick

Early School Parents’ Council is the link among the parents of The Early School, school staff, temple groups, and staff. Our goal is to enhance the early childhood educational experience for our children.
Co-presidents: Caryn Delinko and Deborah Pilchik


Audit Committee oversees the auditors and presents the audit report to the Board for approval.  Requires financial background.
Chair: Peter Rosenbaum

Board of Education is responsible for The Early School and Jewish Learning Program education.  It is also responsible for adult education programs. It recommends policy to the Board of Trustees and oversees the functioning and practices of these programs, as well as the Junior Youth Group.
Co-chairs: Michelle Barishaw*, Abby Silverman*, and Justin Hirschtritt*

Budget Committee works with the treasurer, executive director and controller to set the budget for the year.
Chair: David Solomon*

Buildings and Grounds is charged with the ongoing oversight of all maintenance and improvement of TBA property except for the Memorial Park.  This includes responsibility for developing operating and capital budget recommendations for our grounds and physical plant. It is also responsible for recommending policies regarding all security issues at the temple.
Co-chairs: Ellen Klein* and David Sodowick*

Development works to organize and oversee the raising of all voluntary revenues for the Temple and provides leadership to the committees associated with these areas.  Help with congregational outreach for these programs. The committee manages the Annual Giving Program—Partners in Leadership, Tribute Funds and Plaques.
Co-chairs: Merle Kalishman* and Julie Silbermann*

Fiscal Review
Chair: Mark Rosenbaum

Investment is responsible for recommending to the Board action to be taken concerning the TBA Ross Endowment Fund, other Temple funds, and our portfolio manager’s recommendations. In addition, it identifies broad investment strategies and provides guidelines for policy implementation. Requires financial background.
Co-chairs: Max Silbermann* and David Solomon*

Membership welcomes new members; focuses on membership retention; encourages membership and member participation; and is responsible for new member events. The committee also works to effectively communicate about temple activities.
Co-chair: Donna Ellenbogen* and Jaime Reiter*

Memorial Park works with the park director and the Board of Trustees in setting policy, prices, and practice.  Our Memorial Park is located on Route 22 in Union.
Co-chairs: Richard Dinar and Mark Meller

Nominating Committee proposes the slate of trustees and officers for election. Members are chosen specifically by constitutional provisions; volunteers cannot self-appoint to this committee.
Co-chairs: Kenneth Starr* and Jonathan Wasserstein*

Programming Enrichment provides cultural programming for the TBA community. 
Chair: Deborah Prinz

Ritual Committee works with the clergy in setting policies for services and ritual practice.  The Ritual Committee is also responsible for ushering.  The ushers help to keep order at weekly services, on holidays, and at special events, and assisting visitors as needed.
Co-chairs: Edward Meinhardt* and Tara Halpern*

Security Committee is responsible for recommending policy that seeks to provide a safe, secure, and welcoming environment for our building, congregational family, and visitors. The implementation of security policies and procedures is the responsibility of the professional staff as led by the Executive Director.
Chair: Scott Loventhal*

Social Action provides TBA congregants the opportunity to take part in tikkun olam (healing the world) and perform hands-on mitzvot and activities through volunteer opportunities for adults, youngsters, families, and individuals. These events are often in partnership with other committees, constituency groups, and/or the Jewish Learning Program.
Co-chairs:  Janet Penn and Ruth Ross*

Ways and Means is responsible for planning and implementing fundraising and social events for the Temple.
Chair: Erica Facktor* and Illana Lebersfeld

The Pulse Team is a vibrant new group bringing engaging, exciting programs and events to our Temple community.

Co-chairs:  Lisa Rosenbaum and Lori Rosenbaum*

2024-25 Special and Ad Hoc Committees

Caring Connections works with the President, Senior Rabbi and other clergy to assist Congregants regarding a recent death, hospitalization or other stressful life change concerning the Congergant and/or the Congregant’s family members and assists Congregants and family members with transportation for medical and household needs where those needs arise. 
Chair: Terri Friedman

Constitution Committee reviews, discusses and recommends amendments to the Temple’s Constitution and By-Laws to address a specific need as that need arises.
Chair: Mark Rosenbaum

Fiscal Year Change is the ad hoc committee researching the effects of and recommending a change to the Temple’s fiscal year in coordination with other necessary committees to implement such change should a recommendation to change the fiscal year be adopted.
Chair: Saul Berkowitz

Prime Time sponsors varied programs and trips throughout the year geared to those 55 and older but open to all who are interested. 
Chair: Ethel Singer

Strategic Planning works with the president, senior rabbi, and executive director to evaluate all aspects of the temple with the goal of creating a proposed Strategic Plan for the operations and functions of the Temple over the next five years, and for presenting the proposed Strategic Plan to the Board of Trustees for adoption.
Chair: Jay L. Kooper*

Technology Commitee works with the president, senior rabbi,executive director and facilities manager/information technology coordinator to evaluate and present information on all technology aspects of the Temple, keeping TBA current in all aspects of hardware and software. 
Chair: Jeffrey Roth*

Trustee Coordination and Guidance provides guidance to members of the board in regard to board meeting procedures, trustee responsibilities, and minutes and reports of committees to the board; also provides assistance to the administrative department in maintaining records in regard to the board.
Chair: Ellen M. Klein*

* Trustee or Past President

Wed, March 12 2025 12 Adar 5785