Bloom Family Lecture Series
The Bloom Family Lecture Series
TBA is proud to present this year's guest speakers. We hope that you will join us in learning from a wide variety of voices, and we thank the Bloom Family Lecture Fund for supporting congregational learning in our community.
Rabbi Shai Held:
Judaism is About Love
Wednesday, October 30, 2024, 7:30 PM
We are honored to welcome back Rabbi Shai Held, one of the most influential Jewish thinkers and leaders in America. Rabbi Held is President and Dean of the Hadar Institute in New York City. He received the prestigious Covenant Award for Excellence in Jewish Education. He has been named multiple times to Newsweek’s list of the most influential rabbis in America and to the Forward's list of the most prominent Jews in the world. He is the author of Abraham Joshua Heschel: The Call of Transcendence (2013) and The Heart of Torah: Essays on the Weekly Torah Portion (2017). His new
book, Judaism is About Love, has just been published by Farrar, Straus, & Giroux.
There is no charge to attend and Rabbi Held will sign books at the event. If pre-ordered through [words] bookstore in Maplewood, the book will be waiting for you the night of the event. When ordering, put in the notes whether you want the book brought to the temple or if you will pick it up; their address is 79 Maplewood Ave, Maplewood, NJ 07040.
In addition, if you cannot attend the event but would like a signed copy, pre-order the book and put in the “notes” section of the order that you would like the book signed; you can then pick it up from the temple office after the event.
The evening is co-sponsored by:
Congregation B'nai Israel
Golda Och Academy
Wed, March 12 2025
12 Adar 5785
Congregational Learning Courses at a Glance:
Click on the Adult Learning course title for more information:
Afternoons with…casual conversations with special guests
Parsha HaShavua (Shabbat Torah Portion of the Week)
TBA Mindfulness Sessions, with Rabbi Vaisberg
The Hebrew Bible Line by Line, with Rabbis Vaisberg and Edwards
Rosh Chodesh 5752 (New Hebrew Month study group)
Views and Schmooze with Rabbi Vaisberg, first Wednesday of the month
Connecting to Online Services and Classes
The following are instructions on how to access Zoom; once you install Zoom the first time, you will not have to do it again. Later logins will only require you to join the meeting.
This is the simplest video tutorial on how to “join a meeting”
Platforms to use Zoom:
- You can use Zoom on your PC or Apple computer, tablet, iPhone, or Android phone.
- You can use it in your desktop browser or download the app to your computer or phone.
- You can listen in by landline phone as well.
Video and Microphone: If you have a camera on your computer, you can participate by video (or turn it off). If you want to speak you must have a microphone or call in on the phone.
Directions: If you want to use desktop on Windows (PC) or Mac. You can download the app here for your computer.
On your phone: On your iPhone or Android – download the app from the app store/google play – search for Zoom Cloud Meeting and download the app.
Please make sure you are in a relatively quiet place. If you talk to someone else when you are unmuted, we can hear you.
We recommend you log on 5 or 10 minutes prior to the scheduled service or class to make sure you don’t run into technical issues.
Instruction Sheet for Zoom
Congregational Learning Courses at a Glance:
Click on the Adult Learning course title for more information:
Afternoons with…casual conversations with special guests
Parsha HaShavua (Shabbat Torah Portion of the Week)
TBA Mindfulness Sessions, with Rabbi Vaisberg
The Hebrew Bible Line by Line, with Rabbis Vaisberg and Edwards
Rosh Chodesh 5752 (New Hebrew Month study group)
Views and Schmooze with Rabbi Vaisberg, first Wednesday of the month
Connecting to Online Services and Classes
The following are instructions on how to access Zoom; once you install Zoom the first time, you will not have to do it again. Later logins will only require you to join the meeting.
This is the simplest video tutorial on how to “join a meeting”
Platforms to use Zoom:
- You can use Zoom on your PC or Apple computer, tablet, iPhone, or Android phone.
- You can use it in your desktop browser or download the app to your computer or phone.
- You can listen in by landline phone as well.
Video and Microphone: If you have a camera on your computer, you can participate by video (or turn it off). If you want to speak you must have a microphone or call in on the phone.
Directions: If you want to use desktop on Windows (PC) or Mac. You can download the app here for your computer.
On your phone: On your iPhone or Android – download the app from the app store/google play – search for Zoom Cloud Meeting and download the app.
Please make sure you are in a relatively quiet place. If you talk to someone else when you are unmuted, we can hear you.
We recommend you log on 5 or 10 minutes prior to the scheduled service or class to make sure you don’t run into technical issues.
Instruction Sheet for Zoom
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